poster credit: Dengziyun 主题:空中的自由式 时间:2019年8月23日(周五) 19:00-20:30(18:30开始签到) 地址:运动医生,力宝大厦南区4楼 Theme: Up! Free Spirit In The Air August 23, 2019 (Fri) 19:00-20:30 Venue: Dr. Sport, 4floor, South Lippo Building District 离开地球表面,身体与重力较量,内心在回应关于自由的召唤。 情不自禁,新潮澎湃,在炽热与冷静中—— 呼吸拉长了时间,心跳碰撞出生命向上的质感。 UP向上,是力量,也是正念。 我们选择与“腾空”相关的5项小众运动,将那些好奇、刻板印象、跨文化的差异一一呈现,试图从切身具象的角度,进一步了解这项运动。 While getting away from the surface of the Earth, the body is fighting against the gravity, and the heart is responding to the…
poster credit: Lio 2019年6月27日 主题:跨国合伙人 地址:WeWork (总府路店31号) June 27,2019(THU) Theme: Cross-cultural Partners Venue: WeWorK (31#, Zongfu Road) 主题Theme 跨国合伙人,即跨国创业者、项目合作伙伴、爱情搭档等等。以演讲者个切实经历,分享跨文化协作过程中的喜乐或烦思、坚持或抉择,成长或沉淀。 “Cross-cultural partners”might have meant start-ups, project partners, or couples. Speakers shared their stories on joyful moments, problems, choice-making, and personal or professional growth.
2018年6月23日 主题:外籍蓉漂如何花式创业 地址:言几又(IFS店) June 23, 2018 Theme: How did foreigners start a business in Chengdu? Venue: Yanjiyou (IFS) 本次活动与小日子APP、懒人周末合作,在言几又IFS举行。4位在蓉外籍创业者,用中文分享了自己的创业故事。超过50位观众参与本次活动。 This event was organized in cooperation with Xiaorizi APP, and Yanjiyou. Four speakers shared their stories in Chinese. More than 50 participants attended.